

“Trust Your Power”

Who is Josh?

Hello my name is Josh Skoko - my fun spelled last name originates from the country of Croatia and little did I know, Skoko in Croatian, means Jump. So of course, how fitting that I have a startup named JumpOnACall.com. I come from America but I have found my home and heart lives in Thailand. I have worked in the digital space for the past 22+ years with companies such as Avenue A/Razorfish, Expedia, Blue Nile, Hotwire, and Mondee. For JumpOnACall - I have assembled the most diverse team and I look forward to making a difference with our business across Thailand and in this world.

Why do you want to build a startup?

JumpOnACall is the 1st Step of a 3 Step Plan  – 
Step 1 –  Build a thriving online communication technology business
Step 2 – Use our technology to connect the world thru teaching kids English/Foreign languages via distance learning – we have a charity that has started these efforts – UpCycle4Kids.org
Step 3 – Connect the World thru Collaborative Entertainment that grows who you are and who you are becoming.  Imagine Live Streaming meets Conference Call Video Chat – whereby a presenter talks about the “Power of Positive Thinking” and then an interactive live video group chat follows all in an 1 hour segment.  

What motivates you?

I believe this… 
What if I was to tell you that your only job in life was to connect the dots? The universe has presented a road map for your life in the way of numbers, signs, names and associations – Your only job is to be aware. Find them. And connect them together.  The rest is up to you and how you react to situations. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be sad. Your life is really what you make it. All you have to do is connect the dots.
This is the 1st paragraph of a book I am co-authoring that will be coming soon….

What do you do with your free time?

I love to sing and listen to Karaoke at my bar, Unicorn Bar and Karaoke in Silom Soi 4 and I love going to the beach.

What do you think I'd be most surprised to find out about you?

I believe life is meant to be full of contrasting moments – how are you supposed to know what you want, if you don’t try different things – so I am happy to keep trying new and different things 🙂

Imagine yourself in three years. What do you hope will be different about you then compared to now?

There is a T-shirt that I have purchased twice this past year because the saying resonates with me so strongly. It says – “Trust Your Power” and we all know the “Power” starts with me – so what is the next step…. I have a strong clue and the next three years will codify this assumption.